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Types and characteristics of SB type bearings_SU type bearings_ER type bearings_RB type bearings

by:JNSN     2021-12-19
SB type bearing cylindrical bore (with stop screw) SB2 is a bearing series that reduces the weight of UC type bearings. The oil-free grease-sealed deep groove ball bearing is composed of an outer ring with a spherical outer diameter and a wide inner ring with a set screw in a cylindrical hole. The fixing with the shaft is carried out by 2 set screws installed on the inner ring. Used for lightweight components and steel plate components. SU type bearing (purification series) cylindrical bore (with stop screw) SU0, a purification series bearing that further reduces the weight of SB type bearings. The oil-free grease-sealed deep groove ball bearing is composed of an outer ring with a spherical outer diameter and a wide inner ring with a set screw in a cylindrical hole. The inner ring is treated with anti-rust plating, and it is a clean bearing with excellent water resistance and corrosion resistance. The fixing with the shaft is carried out by 2 set screws installed on the inner ring. ER type bearing cylindrical hole (with stop screw), cylindrical outer diameter surface, with oil supply structure · Stop ring ER2 consists of the outer ring with oil supply structure, stop ring cylindrical outer diameter surface and cylindrical hole with stop screw A grease-sealed deep groove ball bearing combined with a wide inner ring. The fixing with the shaft is carried out by 2 set screws installed on the inner ring. It has the characteristics of an oil supply type, a stop ring (easy to locate the bearing), and a clearance fit between the shaft and the inner ring (easy installation). Therefore, like general bearings, they can be widely used. RB type bearing cylindrical hole (with stop screw), cylindrical outer diameter surface RB2, the ER type bearing is a type of bearing that removes the oil supply structure and the stop ring. A grease-sealed deep groove ball bearing is a combination of an outer ring with a cylindrical outer diameter surface and a wide inner ring with a set screw in a cylindrical hole. The fixing with the shaft is carried out by 2 set screws installed on the inner ring. It has the feature that the shaft and inner ring can be clearance fit (easy to install). Therefore, like general bearings, they can be widely used.
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